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Giant maps
for curious minds

Yes, at Pinta y Pinto we are a bit crazy. In this digital age, we prefer to sit down together to share our most precious treasure, time.
Our goal: to combine fun and curiosity to spark your imagination.
ilustración de un avión de papel.
ilustración de un cohete que va a las estrellas.marco de nubes.
3 líneas izquierda
Our maps
3 líneas derecha
Ilustración de fotos de viaje.
We create giant maps for colouring, fun and educational. Colouring and learning becomes a game, a moment to share with friends and family. It also helps to develop fine motor skills, creativity and artistic expression.
Ilustración de una mano con un lapicero para colorear.
Hand-illustrated and with more than 100 elements of various sizes to suit all abilities. Learn about the main monuments, traditions and culture of each destination. Are you up for it? It's a fun and easy way to learn.
Furgoneta camper para viajar.
They are a great way to remember a trip or plan a getaway. The perfect gift for all travellers, it will become a memory-filled work of art hanging on the wall.
decoración con banderitas.
ilustración de una brújula con los puntos cardinales.

What they say about Pinta y Pinto

Discover the different ways to use our maps
Ilustración de un mapa con puntos interesante a visitar.
Familia de Elisabet de Imagen de la cuenta de instagram Love three mom
love.three.mumsigno de cuota.
They have had a great time while learning about places, curiosities, traditions and festivities with the Pinta y Pinto map of Spain. It's a great way to learn during these holidays and share moments together as a family. It's so big that all three of us could paint it without any problems. The paper is high quality.
forma fondo blanco y azul.
Imagen de la profesora e influencer de educación Rosa LiarteRosa LiarteGeography and History teacher
signo de cuota.
I got the idea from the Pinta y Pinto colouring map of Imperial Rome. I divided the students into 5 groups and each group would colour in a map. The map is very complete, with lots of information about ancient Rome, and it is accompanied by extra information for the students to research. This came in handy for the students to prepare the script for the Romanízate project.
forma fondo blanco y azul.
Logo de la cuenta de instagram Materiales de sociales
Geography and History teacher
signo de cuota.
Pinta y Pinto maps are perfect for Early Years and Primary education. We explore the monuments featured on the map before colouring them in. Then, we gather interesting facts tailored to the students' level, creating a collaborative mural to enhance the learning experience.
forma fondo blanco y azul.
Ilustración de una cámara de fotos.ilustración de los puntos cardinales.

Benefits of colouring for children and adults

ilustración de una niña coloreando un mapa en el suelo.
Watch Solution
marca de verificación.
Reduce screen use
marca de verificación.
Improve fine motor skills, motor ability, and coordination
marca de verificación.
Reduces stress and anxiety
marca de verificación.
Enhances concentration
marca de verificación.
Improves confidence and self-esteem
marca de verificación.
Stimulates creativity and imagination
marca de verificación.
Natural way of relaxation
marca de verificación.
Learn while having fun
nubes de separación.